I’m Yani – a PhD candidate at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University.

Image: Yani Lach © 2024


My research interests are in stars, planets, habitability and the emergence of life. I’m interested in characterising the uniqueness of the Solar System, specifically how its chemistry and architecture compare to the broad demographics of star-planet systems found throughout the Milky Way. I’m currently part of the Galactic Archaeology, Stars, and Planets (GASP) group at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA). My work focuses on how we can best identify, model, and determine the properties of binary star systems.

 I have previously worked to determine if the chemical compositions of stars can be used as a method to infer the past formation of terrestrial exoplanets using data from HARPSThe broad goals of my current research are focused on examining the origins and distribution of over 30 elements in the Milky Way using the spectra of millions of stars observed by the GALAH survey. I am particularly focused on developing methods to determine the abundances of elements in binary systems.



PhD, Astronomy and Astrophysics 

(2024 – Present)

Australian National University (ANU)

“The Origins of the Elements with Next-Generation Stellar Spectroscopy”

Advisors: Sven Buder (P), Melissa NessAndy Casey 

Bachelor of Science, Astrophysics
(Honours, 2019 – 2023)

Monash University, Melbourne

“Stellar Abundances and their Implications for Planet Formation”

Advisors:  Andy Casey, Fan Liu

Bachelor of Computer Science, (Games Development, Systems Design, 2016 – 2018) 

Monash University, Melbourne



Duffield Lower – D3

Mount Stromlo Observatory,

Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics,

Cotter Road, Weston Creek,

ACT 2611 Australia